Please read about us!
As an EMS professional coming from a background of mechanical work and engineering, Martin Rizo Patron was frustrated by the lack of inefficiency and “cookie-cutter treatment” that conventional cervical provided. After having to treat thousands of patients with conventional c-collars, he decided to create a better tool to provide care for trauma patients with potential cervical spine injuries. He took the already existing practice of splinting and applied it to the cervical spine.
Initially founded by the inventor himself, Emegear LLC eventually grew with the help of other passionate EMS professionals that each provided decades of field experience to improve our technology. We were founded by Emergency Care Professionals to provide a better tool to Emergency Care Providers all over the world. We have now been working with agencies in over 46 different countries and in all 50 states to improve the quality of patient care.
The shortfalls of conventional cervical immobilization devices have been known since the 70s. Our technology was initially launched in 2005, decades before the clinical and medical field were ready for it. Thanks to clinical evidence findings that conventional c-collars are detrimental to patients as well as studies and field evidence showing that our technology is a life saver, Cervical Splinting is now the best tool available for use with updated selective spinal management protocols.