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    New XCollar: Advanced Airway Management & Cervical Splinting System
    • Easy one rescuer application in under 30 seconds
    • Advanced Airway Management capabilities thanks to our new Tube Holder (included)
    • Avoids blood flow restriction to and from the brain
    • Increases brain oxygenation and doesn’t affect ICP
    • Standalone provides better immobilization than a conventional c-collar with head blocks and backboard combined
    • Covers the widest ever range of patient sizes, from 18 to 400+ pounds
    • The best tool for use with selective spinal immobilization protocols
    • Cervical Splint secures above C-1 & below C-7
    • Specifically designed for pre-hospital patient care


    Where to Buy?
    Advanced Airway Management & Cervical Splinting System

    After over a decade of gathering feedback from the field and researching clinical evidence, we have launched the New XCollar: our Advanced Airway Management & Cervical Splinting System.

    The New XCollar offers the following features and capabilities:

    1) Advanced Airway Management Integration, which avoids placing any pressure on veins and arteries. This ensures optimal blood flow to the brain and thus greater brain oxygenation—maximizing your patients’ chances for full recovery.

    2) The biggest possible posterior opening. This ensures that physicians and EMS personnel have 100% access for full cervical spine assessment—without compromising patient stabilization.

    3) A numbered and color-coded strap system for easy application and minimum training.

    4) The widest-ever range of patient sizes (18–400+ pounds).

    5) Reduced cost in comparison to conventional c-collars used with conventional head restraints and tube holders

    *Free Online Training Center – www.xcollar.com/login (Please scroll down to sign up.)*

    Our application videos are available here

    For additional resources in PDF form please visit our Resources Page and scroll down.

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